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Kojo Boahene


Kojo is a management consultant and active operator and developer of energy-related projects in Africa with over 15 years of experience.

He co-founded and managed a petroleum trading company in West Africa, distributing over 300,000 metric tonnes of refined petroleum products within three years. He was the lead commercial advisor on the development of a 60,000cm 3 storage terminal and processing facility. 

Kojo also founded an independent petroleum quality control and assurance facility in Ghana. He structured several large credit transactions with oil majors trading in Africa. He started his career as a credit analyst and then moved to the corporate banking team to provide credit for oil & gas and industrial transactions. He subsequently spent several years as a financial risk analyst for a large multi-national industrial group.

Over the last couple of years, he has advised African companies and state-owned enterprises on growth strategy, capital sourcing and structuring, strategic partnerships, and operational strategy.

Kojo has a Bachelor's in Economics and Finance from Calvin University in the United States.

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